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Article Title: Rappers Against Prosperity Gospel: The new wave of militant emcees
Author of reported comment: Glenn
Comment Date: 15:12 on Sep 18 2013
Comment: I am saddened about this. Brother against brother. There are many cults and sects out there that have far from correct doctrines. We should focus on them not on our brothers. THere are lots of lives that have been saved and changed through the ministries of Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer etc. I believe that God's heart longs to prosper His people in any way, including Africans, just like he did the Israelites. Why people are poor? I really don't know but one thing is God does want to see me crawling and struggling to feed my children and pay for their schooling. I may not be filthy rich but I know I am blessed materially also to bless others. I do not know what these preachers and rappers are trying to prove.
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