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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The California-born gospel singer overcoming homosexuality and diabetes
Author of reported comment: Min. selina teague
Comment Date: 23:25 on Sep 17 2013
Comment: Praise the one and only almight God, I am a witness to the testimony of Pastor Coley, God is so true to His Word. I have been in difficult times and no one could help me out. I had to go on a faith journey, I had to surrender my all. Confess with my mouth and believe in my heart, my friend's and family could not believe how I over came. I have been in a place of trial, tribulations, financial burden, the enemy attached my family, but prayer brought me through Now I have a great job, I work for the Lord. Young people whatever strength you have work for God, only what you do for Him will last. God bless you.
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