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Article Title: Presence: A Piano Praise Collection
Author of reported comment: Kevin Robertson
Comment Date: 08:12 on Aug 31 2013
Comment: I never heard this album so can't comment. But I did wonder if this is this the same Dougie Brown who played with Chord of Love. If so he is a hghly gifted pianist and I was mesmorised by his playing a young Christian back in the 70s and 80s. He was an inspirartion to me and has influenced greatly my own playing. I still enjoy listening to those recordings with COL and find his piano accompaniaments very clever and creative, and if its not pushing the envelope too far and not too cheesy I think think there was something of heaven in his playing! Is there any way I could get in touch with Dougie. I'd like to tell him how much he inspired me in my playing. Thanks
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