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Article Title: Charles Norman: Talking about Larry Norman and the Fallen Angel documentary
Author of reported comment: Ray
Comment Date: 19:39 on Aug 27 2013
Comment: Interesting and well-conducted interview. I don't have a dog in this fight so I don't really care one way or the other; and I will always remain a big fan of Larry's music, as I have been for 37 years. However, two points to make. (1) Being in L.A. in those years (70s-early 80s) and peripherally connected to this scene, the story (rumors?) about Larry and Sarah I remember first hearing about late-79/early-80, so that is not a new story first claimed in the movie. (2) Having worked in medicine many years before becoming an attorney, let me correct Charlie on DNA testing and "boiler-plate" wills; he is dead wrong and making those explanations up out of whole cloth. Beyond those corrections, who is right or wrong or morally superior or speaking in sin or??? I don't care.
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