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Article Title: Sonfolk
Author of reported comment: Greg Whitehead
Comment Date: 11:28 on Aug 23 2013
Comment: This album is a real gem, and I don't know why they were not promoted more by the Record Companies. It is clear that they really had a talent in all areas. My favourite track is "Homecoming", what a raw and gutsy song! They do excellent covers of "Morning Has Broken", "Travelling Man" and "I Wish We Had All Been Ready". When you think you have them pegged they do one of the best country songs ever with "God Power" and then throw in one of the best blues songs with "Personal Bogie", then if that's not enough "Matthew 6:22"is a great song of dedication and worship. They have a really good female singer who opens the album with "Sweet, Sweet Spirit"and you know from the outset where their hearts are. I wonder where they are today, and I hope that they have continued serving the Lord and would love to hear from them
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