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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The gospel giant returns after battle with illness
Author of reported comment: Patricia A. Gibbs
Comment Date: 19:03 on Jul 19 2013
Comment: Greetings Dr. Coley, I read your article on the tests and trials, you've been through. I know God is up to something good in your life. The word testimony has the first four letters of "TEST", which the Lord revealed to me, several years ago, while sitting in service listening to my Pastor preach. He ask me to look at the word testimony, then He ask me to spell it. I did, and He said, you can't have a testimony without a test, because they both go together. Oh bless His Name! So be encouraged, and again know that God is up to something good in your life, in Jesus Name!!! Oh and by the way, what you said about the music industry, I totally agree, that a clear message should be given about Jesus Christ, that draws souls to Him. I remember watching the grammy's one night, several years ago, and Marvin Winans stated, as he was headed to his dressing room, that God spoke to him, and said, I didn't call you to win grammys, I called you to win souls. That statement has stuck with me, since he spoke it. He is now going forth in the Lord, like never before. To God be all the glory!!!
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