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Article Title: Charles Norman: Talking about Larry Norman and the Fallen Angel documentary
Author of reported comment: Fred Anson
Comment Date: 03:39 on May 13 2013
Comment: Sadly some of Charlie's* responses in this interview just add fuel to fire. Trust me, I am NOT a David Di Sabatino fan - quite the opposite in - but by refusing to cooperate in DNA testing and by talking around some of the issues rather than exercising full transparency he's just adding fuel to the fire here not stomping it out. It would be nice to get some this cleared up once and for all and, sadly, neither side is cooperating in that effort. Hopefully someday that will change. * Sorry man but you'll always be Charlie to me just like I'll always be "Freddy" to some - no disrespect intended, just sentimental affection rooted in the past.
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