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Article Title: Days In Arcadia
Author of reported comment: David Ritchie
Comment Date: 20:22 on May 9 2013
Comment: Dear Sir I am trying to track down a recording of The Victors - Days in Arcadia. I was a big fan of this band in their heyday in the late 70's early 80's and had a copy of their cassette Days in Arcadia. I had planned one day to convert it to digital and have eventually found my cassette however after countless revolutions through an old cassette player in the 80's and 90's and then being left lying for years in a damp old box the tape has perished and the sound has become so distorted that it is unplayable. If there is a copy of this available or even better a digital copy I would like to obtain a copy. And if there is also a copy of Brian McGlynn 'The Vital Spark' I would like one of those as well. Any help would be appreciated.
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