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Article Title: Live In Europe
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 22:54 on Feb 17 2013
Comment: I recently acquired this very rare and hard to find vhs concert of a short lived artist in the ccm field. I believe this is quite an edited version of the original concert performance considering the short list of songs. Released the year after his debut cd in the Spring of 1993. It includes the 1995 song "Creation Hymn" from his 2nd and last ccm recording. It's a great addition to the short concert film. Keith belts out title song of his debut cd "This Side of Heaven" with bgvs supplied by same guy who sings on his cd, Michael Mellet. "Unto Us" is superbly performed wtg Keith. I missed not seeing him perfom the highly acclaimed hit "Psalm 100". Anyone have updated info on what Keith is doing these days? Is he still playing keyboards and singing somewhere? GOD Bless, Don
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