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Article Title: Geoff Mann: Remembering the life and times of a rock music original
Author of reported comment: Stephen Waldron
Comment Date: 18:04 on Feb 14 2013
Comment: I first met Geoff in 1977 in Manchester. Paul K, the reviewer, is a very good friend and I love the completeness and detail of his memories and recollections of Geoff. He has captured his 'larger than life' nature. Geoff was one of the very few people I've met who change your life just through the encounter. Paul fails to really highlight his artistic genius; he was perhaps one of the most brilliant fine artists I've had the good fortune to meet. He could paint anything with anything: from oils to acrylics to charcoal to crumpled up paper. A man of pure joy and goodness, overflowing with creativity, and an inclusive sort that drew people into a new world. Well done Paul. Thanks for the memories.
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