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Article Title: Strasbourg, God and Caesar
Author of reported comment: Sore Thumb
Comment Date: 22:48 on Feb 11 2013
Comment: Susil: Which "handful" of verses do you refer to? By my understanding there is a whole Bible full of very clear references which are debatable only by those who want to evade their clear meaning. From Genesis to Revelation God makes it clear over and over again that what human beings do with their bodies matters to him as our Creator and Ruler. We do our present "progressive" culture (really, very regressive, right back to practices of the ancient past -- see Genesis to Revevlation for details) a great disservice if we do not speak out to say that some things may be legal but still wrong, may be culturally acceptable and even (God help us) celebrated, but still immoral. Is that really how jesus transformed us?
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