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Article Title: Strasbourg, God and Caesar
Author of reported comment: Susil
Comment Date: 12:16 on Jan 29 2013
Comment: I have previously enjoyed reading J. John's writing, but this article is nothing short of sensationalist claptrap. "An unholy alliance of New Atheists, gay-rights activists and general progressive social libertarians?" Really? The Daily Mail would love to print that line I'm sure. British Christians are far, far to quick to cry persecution. These people were asked to do their jobs properly, not thrown to the lions. We should not expect preferential treatment in the event that we choose to hold fast to a handful of much-debated verses that are most certainly not integral to the faith of every christian. Perhaps we have grown comfortable in our historical position at the top of the pile. Christians are so used to the power that we once held that we don't know how to preach our message without laws and lawmakers. Who knows? Maybe if the Church can let go of the political trappings it has borne since Constantine, we'll begin to see a transforming influence that begins in the lives we lead, not in the rules of the realm. Is that not how Jesus transformed us?
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