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Article Title: Paid On The Nail (reissue)
Author of reported comment: Stephen Baldwin
Comment Date: 02:33 on Nov 28 2012
Comment: A Brit living in the USA... I wonder what needs to happen for these iconic albums (Kendrick/Paid on the Nail, Breaking of the Dawn etc.) to be re-issued on CD or downloadable? IMHO, Kendrick's early songs are just as powerful [perhaps even more so?] as his later more popular stuff. It is a tragedy that they are only available on worn-out LPs when I presume it would be so easy to re-issue on CD. Also The Mark Williamson Band. Top musicians, some great songs, the magnificent Mark Millin on drums. Would love to be able to get a digital copy of this stuff. At least Adrian Snell and the late Larry Norman re-issued all their early stuff on CD. I wonder what needs to happen...
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