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Article Title: Wayne Rooney In Trouble Again
Author of reported comment: John Pratchett
Comment Date: 18:25 on Sep 17 2012
Comment: Great article Paul and how encouraging to hear of Wayne being so positive about his faith. So many times we Christians adopt what I call 'the elder brother' syndrome! Can you imagine what the outcome would have been if, on his way back home, the prodigal son had met his brother before he had met his Father! He would have probably turned round and run straight back to the pig farm. I'ts so easy for us to adopt the elder brother syndrome, but for the returning back slider or the seeker or the new Christian to encounter one, before he meets the Father, must cause him/her to wonder if there really is a loving Father in heaven. Our God is a good God, full of grace and throws a really great party for anyone who seeks him out. I'm so glad that I met Him before the self righteous elder brother.
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