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Article Title: Start All Over Again
Author of reported comment: Lance DeMers
Comment Date: 18:45 on Aug 22 2012
Comment: Continued...Randy would often shine in these moments by contributing to arrangements and, of course, his wonderful guitar and bass ideas. Greg would add his own ideas, including bass, guitar, mandolin and his incredible vocal talents. Soon the finished song would take shape with the brother's great harmonies and sometimes Randy and I would add a third or fourth vocal part. It was always exciting for me to hear a song take shape from inception to the finished studio version. Then to share a new song with an audience was also interesting. We never knew what to expect, but certain songs would resonate more than others and those became the favorites both for us and our listeners. I concure with Kraig that we all had our share of growing pains, but there was a mutual respect and a love for God and ministry that allowed us to continue on. As Randy has said here, I also am very grateful that the four of us have continued to serve the Lord in our respective vineyards. God is able to keep his own. Thank you again for your very kind words and for allowing me yet another trip down memory lane.
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