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Article Title: The Way The Second Coming Will Unfold
Author of reported comment: John Pratchett
Comment Date: 18:25 on Aug 22 2012
Comment: As usual, a thoughtful, sensitive and accurate critique from Paul. I was once part of the congregation of a church (a very good one I might add) where over a period of about twenty years, the second coming was preached by a variety of visiting preachers. All thes preachers were dynamic, charismatic men of God and whilst none of them actually mentioned a date of the second coming, they preached in such a way that the congregation believed it must be soon, if not next week! It was noticeable that each time it was preached, troubles in the church of one sort or another always ensued until everything settled down again, although I'm not reading anything particularly significant in's just an interesting fact. Jesus talks about the signs of the end times in Luke 21, but when asked, "when will these things happen?" he told his disciples to "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming 'I am he" and 'The time is near'. Do not follow them" Jesus us gave us a commission before he left and he gave us his Holy Spirit to help and empower us to do it and to succeed. The job hasn't changed, although perhaps the methodology has.
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