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Article Title: First Take
Author of reported comment: Tre Bang
Comment Date: 05:01 on Jul 16 2012
Comment: Jared totally hit a home run on this one! Wow whoever wrote this review, clearly shouldn't be writing reviews. Yes, this cd was a little rough around the edges for quality, but it still delivered. However the songs were well structured, wholesome, and extremely catchy. Maybe you should of went to see them live cause to this day I haven't been to local shows that matched up to the fire and intensity you would experience at a Phlipper show. They were absolutely amazing live and they had a sold out show of die hard fans every single night they played. It broke many hearts when they broke up, and if they never did, they would of went sooo far. So any other Phlipper fans that read this over 12 years later, please add me to facebook and we will be friends! This band made me who I am today and I am so thankful to have experienced almost every show they played!
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