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Article Title: Prosch Returns To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Michael
Comment Date: 04:37 on Jul 15 2012
Comment: Just like singing songs of praise & worship and partaking of the teachings & sermons are main functions of the Sunday church service; Body ministry - in the area of healing of wounds and deliverance from demons - needs to also be a function of the Sunday church service. Unless Christians embrace the fact that demons are the ones driving us to sin, deliverance will be left out of Sunday church services. Many Christians, would not be committing adultery if the church would do what Jesus commissioned us to do - cast out demons; and Sunday services are a perfect place and time to do deliverance. There are only a handful of churches across the U.S. that make deliverance as part of their Sunday church service. No wonder so many Christians have one foot in the world and one foot in the church.
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