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Article Title: Crying For A Vision
Author of reported comment: Gord Wilson
Comment Date: 11:49 on Jul 8 2012
Comment: Many are currently discovering Steve Scott's music/poetry and audio art through the CD collection "Emotional Tourist". They may be surprised to know that he also has a writing life. The core of this book was published in the UK by Stride books as "Crying for a Vision". This expanded version includes a few of Steve's essays drawn from various published sources, including two essays about his art and the history of his music. There's also an interview centering mostly on his time in the UK and later work in the US with Larry Norman and the Warehouse and Exit Records in Sacramento, California. Steve has done/ is doing art on both sides of the water. As I write he is in London in connexion with the 2012 Olympics, and his ET album has been released worldwide by Arena Rock Recording Company of Portland, OR, US.
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