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Article Title: From Satanism To Christianity
Author of reported comment: Joy
Comment Date: 16:41 on Jun 29 2012
Comment: Tosh, perhaps you do not understand... You do not know the love of our Messiah. You do not know his gentle voice and the freedom that he gives. Over and over he has saved me. For ten years of my life God has put us amongst Muslims, they have works and words of their teachers by which they live by, while our God just requires us to trust him with all of our heart and we serve him because we love him. You may have prayed, but did you pray with a sincere heart, without doubt, or even ask God to help you with your unbelief? Perhaps you did not know, but in the Bible Jesus tells us not to doubt. If you are willing, I advise you to try again, with a sincere heart. For even I once doubted God so much that I turned to the Koran, but I found, they we had all that they didn't: The love of God. For them, Allah is one who judges them by their actions, but how can the good ever outweigh the bad? What is the point in following someone without having a relationship with them as a Father or Friend, instead of a master? What is the point in trusting in someone if you are uncertain if they will save you, or if you will even see them in the end? What is the point of life without the love of Christ, the purpose to live?
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