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Article Title: Somewhere New
Author of reported comment: Katie Watts
Comment Date: 18:35 on May 16 2012
Comment: I agree with 95% of Simon's review. He was spot on with everything positive that was said about Jacob's music... the continual improvement of Jacob as he grows and matures and experiences more of life, him being a lyrical genius and being able to capture the hearts of many singing about experiences that a lot of people can empathise with and the simplicity but effectiveness of the music and tones throughout all songs. Jacob proves that he can sing a variety of types of songs and his talent simply beams through in this EP. On the 5% of the review i disagree with, as an artist Jacob is improving and growing because of every part of who is, particularly his voice, his songwriting and his laid back and genuine personality. To comment that he sounds similar to Joe Pasquale (who i adore too!!) implies to me that Jacob was just being heard rather than properly listened to. Ive listened to Jacob many times and can honestly say Ive never had that distraction. I think it's truly wonderful to have someone like Jacob on the scene who is not only a Christian, but an amazing singer songwriter, and a lovely person. Its getting harder and harder to find people who tick all those boxes so Im pleased to say Jacob does. Keep going mate; you do a grand job! :) God bless.
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