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Article Title: The Peril, The Grace And The Way
Author of reported comment: joan eggleton
Comment Date: 21:03 on May 11 2012
Comment: I heard Rob on Premier radio this morning May 11th 12 I was going to CRE and found he was singing there. I loved his sincere beautiful music and lyrics. My nephew who is not yet a christian writes songs on the keyboard. I wanted to buy the CD on the back table during his set but had to go before the end so didn't get it for my nephew. What was it called and can I get it. Which CD is best do you think for James, who soon, I believe will be saved.? I am open to your suggestion as to which. Please pray for James especially and his brother Mark for the Kingdom. Is Rob's testimony written down anywhere as I would love to give it to james or to direct him to where it can be found. God Bless you dear Rob, you won my Jesus heart for you. Joan
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