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Article Title: Charles McPheeters: Drug addict turned Jesus music pioneer
Author of reported comment: Bobby V Chance
Comment Date: 17:31 on Apr 29 2012
Comment: My wife Dot and I heard Charles McPheeters preach one time in 1981 at our church in Dallas, TX. We quickly quit our jobs, sold our house and packed our 3 small daughters and headed to Hollywood, CA to work alongside Charles and Judy McPheeters in The Holy Ghost Repair service. Our lives were revolutionized. Charles McPheeters witnessed to stop signs just for practice. If you were going to hang around him and Judy, you had to be really saved or stay away from them, cause they lived a radical Jesus lifestyle. We spent one year working for The Holy Ghost Repair Service under Charles' amazing anointing and mentoring. He was the instrument God used to save prostitutes, punk rockers, gang members, runaways and the lost and forgotten on the streets of Hollywood. When Charles was in the hospital battling cancer In July 1982, 24 hours before going home to be with Jesus, I was sitting with him in his hospital room. Although slipping in and out of consciousness, he sat up in bed and boldly declared, "Jesus is coming soon... but God we need revival." Then he laid back down to sleep. I slipped out of his hospital room, knelt on my knees in the hallway and cried and repented before the Lord. Whatever Charles McPheeters had, whatever Jesus he knew and served so boldly, I wanted it. I led worship and sang at Charle's graveside. I played his guitar and wore his shirts for about the next year when I sang and preached on the streets. No one else ever like him. Dot and I linked arms with Judy and continued to serve and minister through The Holy Ghost repair Service. Judy and her husband Ron have continued to shake the earth for Jesus from Hollywood, the epicenter of the world. Thank you Jesus for these beautiful friends and co-laborers in His harvest. We love you Charles. Bobby V Chance Hollywood, CA
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