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Article Title: Porn And The Human Sex-Drive
Author of reported comment: Leslie
Comment Date: 17:28 on Apr 29 2012
Comment: Enjoyed the article Paul, and as usual you talk a lot of sense. However, I was a little uncomfortable with your comment; 'a young man keeps his eyes open for a suitable girl, there are certain qualities that a young man finds attractive in a woman, and it helps if she is slim, has good muscle tone and is intelligent.' For me that sounds a little too naturalistic, simplistic, evolutionistic and any other 'istics you care to mention. The truth is there are a huge number of men who are more attracted to a woman with curves and who might even be considered by some 'experts' to be 'overweight'. The drive the media instils in young women to get as close as possible to size zero and to be something they're not is as unhealthy as being obese. As for intelligence I don't think there is that big a difference from one person to the next. Education and our social background play a much bigger role in who we see as as a suitable lifelong mate, the majority of us choosing someone at a similar educational level and social background to ourselves. As you say, we are human beings, not animals; created in the image of God, a creative God who loves diversity. We were created a race of complex individuals. It's impossible to quantify or explain why one person finds another attractive or how we arrive at the conclusion that 'this is the person i want to spend the rest of my life with.' Benjamin Franklin once wrote; 'Beauty, like supreme dominion Is but supported by opinion'
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