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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: Berta Shuffield
Comment Date: 21:04 on Mar 26 2012
Comment: John, I want to say how grateful we are that you visited CrossRoads Fellowship! You are very courageous to share your testimony! God has a plan Jeremiah 29:11. We are all praying for you and your wonderful family here in Odessa, Texas! We hope you come again you inspired a lot of folks here dealing with these situations! We believe you touched their hearts into the souls especially! You are a new creature in Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17,18!! Galatians 2:20,21!! God is faithful to His Word! He is the author and finisher of your faith, and God is raising you and your wife to commitment in God now for your lives and to help others in your ministry! God has given you this beautiful talent in music But! You will succeed in it for the Kingdom of God!!! Satan is a liar!!! Remember you are "free to dance like David" worship is what God loves!!! Therefore, no more condemnation in your life can control your mind! Romans 8:1-11!!! God is ALIVE His spirit is in you!!! You are King!!! Revelation 1:6!!! Now you are FREE!! God loves you that He GAVE us JESUS!!! Fight don't give-up you are Running a marathon yet You will Win the race!!! Many blessings to you are coming your way! God loved you from time you were in your mothers womb! We love you!!!
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