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Article Title: After Divorce
Author of reported comment: Ade Ojo
Comment Date: 19:10 on Mar 24 2012
Comment: Phew! Where do I start. I wish I could have direct personal correspondence with Tonex on his email address. We African Christians have a tendency to be over simplistic 'Cmon Tonex Romans1 condemns gay life. just snap out of it and you will be fine' but I know that even though that is a valid attitude to it. things are not that simple in the first world. So here is my effort to simplify and demystify it for you Tonex Dear. The bible says since the time is short. Christ's coming near 'Let those who are married be as though they are not' Tonex, why don't you engage Jesus in an intense dialogue on this subject 'Lord, what must I do to not miss heaven?' Remember Jeremaiah 3:3 ?
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