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Article Title: Start All Over Again
Author of reported comment: Kraig Wall
Comment Date: 23:59 on Jan 31 2012
Comment: Hello Everyone. I just received this link from Steve Sims. Thanks Steve for the link. It is really touches my heart to hear how so many have been touched by the music. Really great to read the posts from Randy and Lantz. You guys are both awesome brothers in the Lord.! I am proud to know you both. Really a lot of fond memories of our times on the road. The truth is that much of the time we did not know what we were doing, but that didn't stop us from doing it anyway. Just learned as we went. I mean, we learned to be brothers in Christ and expand our lives to receive one another in the band. It was a grew into leaders by doing things that made demands on our lives. Looking back I would say there is much I would do different. What I wouldn't change was each of our commitment to reach our generation for Jesus and I can see that still burning in each of our hearts. Reunion tour would be fun, but it would take a lot of doing at this stage of our lives. I want to thank everyone for sharing your story on here. If you know anyone else who has a story to share, I would love to hear about it. As for a CD repackage of the album, it would be fun to have some. Thanks again everyone. As Randy used to say, "You blessed my socks off!"
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