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Article Title: Lead Me On
Author of reported comment: Cornelia Abreu
Comment Date: 22:15 on Jan 30 2012
Comment: Me too, I lost a song I love. I think it´s the last one (Jesus, you´re the Name above all Names) I remember a few lines, out of order. It´d be great if someone could make these lyrics accessible on-line or help me here! You´re my captain and my fortress You are the Moring Star The beginning of Creation from afar You´re the Son of God, you are the great I AM …and you´re the reason WHY You´re the everlasting father, a Savior and a friend You´re the sacrifice, beginning and the end You´re the Light and you´re the door The priester and the vine You´re the living word ..and least of all, you´re mine Jesus, you´re the Name above all Names
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