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Article Title: Charles McPheeters: Drug addict turned Jesus music pioneer
Author of reported comment: Larry Mc Donald
Comment Date: 07:08 on Jan 27 2012
Comment: What a joy and privilege to have known and befriended my Christian Brother, Charles MC Pheeters! I look forward to seeing him in Glory, he was a true, redeemed soul, who loved Jesus, with all of his being. I'm originally from Atlantic, Iowa, a small community of around 7,000 people. Back in 1969, I had just gotten home from work, and turned the TV on, to catch the days news. We got all of the Omaha, Nebraska stations, and a story came on, about a young Guy who was giving concerts at High Schools around the Omaha area.. As I listened to thyme story, I was blessed, and then there was a knock on my door. The Guy standing there, was the same Guy I had just seen on Tv...Charles MC Pheeters? He asked if I was Larry MC Donald...I told him that I was, and he said that he had been to our High School, and gave a concert! He said he had talked to some of the student there, and they told him about me...That I was telling them about Jesus, etc. I invited Charles in, and we went to my bedroom (in the basement land Charles prayed with me, we had a wonderful time in the Lord, as he played his guitar and sang some of his songs, that he had written. Over the years, Charles would pop into my place of. Work, and we would visit and share what the Lord was doing in our lives...He called me once, and told me his friend (Barry MC Guire) was giving a concerned in Omaha, so I went and got to meet and fellowship with Barry, which was a real blessing to me. One time when Charles came through town, he brought Judy with him, as they had married, and were headed to Denver. I Was saddened, when I head of his cancer and death...the Lord must have needed him in heaven, but I sure missed him and was grateful to have been able to fellowship wig my later years, I moved to Florida, and called Arthur Blessit, who lived in Ft. MYERS, and we talked about Charles and the impact he had n so many lives...Phillipians 1:2-11. Maranatha. Larry MC Donald
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