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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The California-born gospel singer overcoming homosexuality and diabetes
Author of reported comment: Cynthia Green
Comment Date: 03:51 on Dec 7 2011
Comment: I met Darly Coley about 15 years ago at a Leanne Faine birthday concert at Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago. He was her special guest and he just sang my heart glad. His vocals are a true gift from God. What I liked the most about him was he participation with the church in praising God. It was just awesome. Afterwards he was giving out autographs and just when it was my turn, his driver came and told him it was time to go. I wasn't mad because I received so much that evening, I was just full. So Pastor Coley keep letting God use you to the fullest: mentally, physically and spiritually.
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