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Article Title: Khul Rhema: No longer a Ziklag Boy but keeping the crunk coming
Author of reported comment: chris bohatyritz
Comment Date: 01:15 on Dec 3 2011
Comment: I am in Love with christian hip hop. I did'nt think anything good existed. i am from wpb florida and met the lord in 2001. I lived in a hip hop culture, listening to outkast goodie mobb, three 6 mafia(i just found out who mr del is!) and stuff like that. after the Lord met me i found I couldnt listen to it the same way so I left it behind. It has been years since I have been in to it, but praise God for redeeming a generation and puting rappers on the front lines who know were they are. I am blown away by these guys. Rhema, lecrea, mr del , pettidee and so many more. Bless you guys. Lord redeem christian rock the same way. Artists loving Jesus more than sounds can only create the best music. praise be to the one who spilled it out for us..
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