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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The Gospel Giant Returns After Battle With Illness
Author of reported comment: Sonya David
Comment Date: 12:19 on Nov 30 2011
Comment: Daryl has been an inspiration in and on my life every since I heard him sing.I do not care what song he comes how with,he knows how to put it together in his own way.A way that has kept me uplifted every time."Live in Oakland Even me" is one of my favorite. Well all of them is my favorite. If Daryl is singing it then I do not have a problem.I would like to wish Daryl Coley much success and I pray that the Lord will continue to use him as a minister of music because he is more than qualified. Darly keep on keeping on on that note I must get back to Daryl "Oh the lamb. Love you and be encouraged.
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