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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: marilyn haley
Comment Date: 02:53 on Sep 16 2011
Comment: i took my 2 grandsons to morningside church in port saint lucie. most times they go to the childrens sunday school, but that sun morning they suprisingly wanted to go to the (big church) i did not know john james was going t0 be there. they listened with intent through the whole service, no fiddling or wretching, just total attention on john james. i bought johns cd about his and his wife vesnas story. the kids listened to it in the car for weeks, every time thy got in my carthey said " play it again ya ya'. i then gave the cd to my son the childrens father. he had only recently become a christian. he had delt with addiction problems all his life. he was very moved by johns story. i took all of them and me to disney night of joy where we heard the newsboys.i never heard john sing but i listened and could only wonder how john felt being that popular as the lead singer. thank you john for sharing your story with my family. God bless
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