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Article Title: The World As Best As I Remember It Vol 2
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 21:43 on Sep 12 2011
Comment: It was May of 1992, I had heard ccm airwaves play "Step by Step", what an awesome song!; great bgvs, to include Lisa Glasgow. I just love this song wholeheartedly! "All The Way My SAVIOUR Leads Me", an ancient hymn revived so well! "The Just Shall Live By Faith" was another radio fave I heard; another song with great bgvs, to include some of whom worked with top ccm songstress Amy Grant:i.e. Donna McElroy, Kim Fleming, Vickie Hampton. Did not favor title "The Maker of Noses"; maybe "Dreams" or "The Father of Hearts" would have been a more favorable title. If you read under the song titles (i.e. with the lyrics) you will note that Rich's buddy Beaker assisted in writing many of the tunes on this cd; wtg guys! Step by Step reminds me that, we don't get to Heaven overnight, it is a step by step process. GOD Bless! -Don
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