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Article Title: Where Love Runs Deep
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 15:04 on Sep 6 2011
Comment: In June of 1995 we are blessed to hear another recording by the gifted singer/songwriter/guitarist. The first half of the songs are on the calm side, to include the title song: first song I heard on ccm radio. I love the uptempo "In the Midst of YOUR Love"; great ccm! Top female vocalist Ashley Cleveland accents bgvs on "Love Waits"; it is awesome what she can add to a song. I love "The Power of Forgiveness"; WHAT A SONG!! I hear a touch of "Shoulder to the Wind" sounds on "A Promise To Keep". The beautiful ballad "My Heart Knows Its Way Home" was the perfect closer. I HAVE NOT SEEN A GREATEST HITS FROM MICHAEL, IS THERE ONE AVAILBLE? GOD Bless! -Don ps. what's Michael been up to these days? is there anything since the 1995 where love runs deep?
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