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Article Title: English Tour
Author of reported comment: Maureen Moriarty
Comment Date: 16:41 on Sep 5 2011
Comment: We have just come back from the Donegal Shore Festival of Kincasslagh where we saw Michael for the first time and realise what we have been missing, he is a fantastic musician,but the reason I am writing is to say how refreshing it was to hear Michael tell us and play a piece he wrote for his Parish Priest for his 50year Jubilee Father Brendan and went on to tell us that after his Mother had a bad accident how good the Clergy and the nuns were to him and his siblings they all have done great good works but we never hear about that but hear plenty about the abuse stories now I feel dreadful about those poor children but let us remember there are great priests and nuns out there,so good on you Michael
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