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Article Title: Defender
Author of reported comment: sandi templeton
Comment Date: 02:57 on Aug 30 2011
Comment: I heard DEFENDER on 91.5 victory radio and had to go to You tube for more. I listen and watched every morning and every night. I am going through some things at this time and this song help me keep my focus on Jesus. My day would be better when I would start out with the song and I love the production and would like to know where I can purchase a copy of the DVD. I told many people to go to you tube and now i need to tell them where we can buy DVD and CD. I love Chris's style and it really minister to my soul. Love it keep up the awesome worship bringing people closer to who Jesus is and how he protects and loves us. Please send info on DVD from you tube song Defender with band. Great Stuff. God bless you all.
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