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Article Title: Charles McPheeters: Drug addict turned Jesus music pioneer
Author of reported comment: Pam Clark
Comment Date: 06:26 on Aug 19 2011
Comment: Hi Michael, I knew your parents when they had the Holy Ghost Repair Service and Paraclete book store & coffee house in Denver. My older sister, Lynda, led me to the Lord outside of the bookstore. Then we went in and everybody cheered. From then on I started volunteering on the weekends making the food and drink and witnessing to the people on the streets to bring them into the coffeehouse. I will never forget your dad who was a great preacher and singer in the coffeehouse where the Christians and street people gathered together sitting on the carpeted floor listened to your dad. At one time my sister and I had no place to stay so your parents let us stay with them. That was when your sister, Melissa, was just a baby. They asked us to baby sit her and when it came to changing her diapers, neither my sister nor I had any experience doing that and you should have seen what they looked like! ha! Your dad was the most animated, talented person I had ever met. Yes, you do look just like him. I have not seen any recent pictures of you but when you young you were his image. I can imagine the pressure you must have felt if you were always getting compared to your dad who you had never met. But, some day you will meet! I can't wait to see him again, too! For a while I worked in the bookstore as your dad's secretary and would type his dictated letters and that was fun. His personality was one that attracted people and he just made life fun! I give all the glory to our Lord Jesus Christ because without Christ your dad would not have even been alive to bless us all those years and bring many to Christ!!! I was so happy to see what you had written. I was hoping you or your mom might have a Facebook page but I could not find one. Anyway, tell your mom I said hello! She would remember Pam & Jeff Clark. I have lost contact with her through the years. It would be nice to get her email address or Facebook. In Christ's love, Pam
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