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Article Title: Rioters Are NOT 'Scum'! They Are The Fatherless
Author of reported comment: Marguerite
Comment Date: 22:42 on Aug 18 2011
Comment: The one thing these people may have in common that is of more significance than being "fatherless" (which is not the proper term here - somewhere along the way a male contributed sperm and helped create the child - so the child DOES have a father) ... is that they were the product of unplanned and almost certainly unwanted pregnancies. Men who have gotten a female pregnant intentionally, do not tend to then abandon the child and the woman. This could not be clearer. My dad died when I was 5. Whenever the term "single parent" is used these days (which is constantly), I cringe. My mother was forced into that role. She and my dad didn't will it into being by not marrying when she got pregnant, or not aborting the child as an alternative, had she been single and abandoned by the male who impregnated her. This is the problem I have with an anti-abortion stance here. When unwanted, unplanned children are brought into the world SO often by people totally unprepared emotionally, financially, educationally, and maturity-wise - GUESS WHAT - that child, statistically speaking, is not only going to be a tragedy for the (often teenage) mother in that she will interrupt or sometimes end her education and end up on the dole vs becoming a productive member of society, but a tragedy for society which ends up paying through it's taxes for endless dole-ing, and worst of all, a tragedy for the unwanted child to have been needlessly brought into being before the woman was ready in and able, before she had a stable relationship she could rely on etc., then the child ends up living on these dangerous, gang and drug infested housing estates! It's a tragedy all the way around, the roots of which are that the child should not have been brought into the world in the first place - no child should be, before it's "parents" are truly "parents" and ready to be so financially, maturity-wise, etc.
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