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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The Gospel Giant Returns After Battle With Illness
Author of reported comment: Margarita DuBose
Comment Date: 09:20 on Aug 17 2011
Comment: Dear Rev. Coley I have been a listener of your songs since 1993. When I was in a Residential Drug Treatment Facility, I came across a cassette with He's Preparing Me on it and it stirred my soul. Long story short I have almost everything that you have made and have seen you preach when you used to come to Newport News VA., and I have hipped my family to you. They looked forward to you coming to NY @ the Allen A.M.E. Cathedral. I have almost 19 years in Recovery and just want to say "thank you for helping me to live". God Bless you and you are in my prayers Margarita
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