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Article Title: Do You Love God?
Author of reported comment: dstar
Comment Date: 17:56 on Aug 12 2011
Comment: I grew up near Dayton Ohio in the 1970's, a little white boy from the Far Hills SDA church back in the day. Our family often visited the neighboring Germantown SDA Church Bro and Sister Wright planted. I loved the Blendwright music as a chbild and still love it today. Last year my sister went to the Wright family reunion in Germantown and purchased a set of CD's and gave me a copy also. I listen to them often, and sometimes attempt to transcribe the lyrics, but some of the vocals on the old albums are really hard to make out. This evening I was working on "These are the Hands" and just could not figure out what came after - "a hundred oceans roar" It would be great if you could add to your web site the lyrics to some of their music. Thanks
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