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Article Title: Charles McPheeters: Drug addict turned Jesus music pioneer
Author of reported comment: Shari(Powell)Malott
Comment Date: 14:56 on Aug 7 2011
Comment: I was one of those young Jesus Freaks in the early 70's and Charles was my youth pastor at Redeemer Temple in Denver. We would go to the Holy Ghost Repair Service to serve sandwiches to people who would come to listen to the music or go talk about Jesus out on the street-Charles would pray with us before sending us out 2 by 2. I invited Charles to speak in my high school civics class @ Hinkley HS where the topic was about drug use and he told his whole testimony and Jesus salvation message. He wore blue jeans, a white collared shirt and his classic jean jacket with Jesus patches sewn all over it. He was funny, and entertaining but always spoke the gospel with power and conviction and I remember many powerful sermons spoken by Charles on those crazy jam- packed friday night services at Redeemer. I Thank God for Charles being a part of my early growing years as a christian.
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