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Article Title: Gay Ray
Author of reported comment: Donn
Comment Date: 14:58 on Aug 4 2011
Comment: I was not totally shocked at this news. As a spirit filled believer GOD gave me some insight and I knew there was something not right with this man. I feel sorry that he felt he needed to make his gay lifestyle public; he did nothing but bring GOD's name to shame; and he is not the first to do this. There is a Great falling away these days, and we were told it would happen! JESUS' coming is nearer, the signs are everywhere! I recall the song lyrics of "GOD did not lift us up to let us down". Let us keep a hold of 1 John 1:8-10. Ray does not have to be told what is wrong and right, he knows! I have read articles pertaining to his coming out to the public: I can't believe he has made the statement that, he believes that GOD made him gay from the start, this is a lie of the devil! GOD's word says that no sin, and nothing that is a lie will enter Heaven! THIS IS GOD'S WORD, NOT MAN'S; GOD IS JUDGE! AND TO HIM THAT KNOWETH TO DO GOOD AND DOETH IT NOT, TO HIM IT IS SIN! I hope that Ray remembers that, if he returns to GOD in a right way, GOD will forgive him. It is one of GOD's best attributes that man knows.
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