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Article Title: Amy Grant
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 13:11 on Jul 26 2011
Comment: I recently acquired Amy's first original album, prior to the reissue with her in pink. Wow! talk about your plain jane look; but the back cover photo is nicely hi- lighted:front cover too dark on one side. It is hard to believe she was only 16 when the recording of this album was completed in 1977:nearly 35 years have passed since then, another WOW! Too bad the reissue did not have a back cover photo as initial release. "Father" & "Old Man's Rubble" will always be top faves, they are the first 2 songs I heard from this lp on ccm radio. I love her rendition of "What A Difference YOU'VE Made"; "Beautiful Music" was a nice starter song for side 1. B.J. Thomas also recorded "Beautiful Music" and "What A Difference YOU'VE Made" about the same time in ccm recording career. This album is filled with so many simple songs of faith, many written by Amy herself. I love the less than 2 minute "Walking in the Light". Did anyone notice that the reissue of this album(vinyl copy i.e.) has side 2 songs mixed up on back cover? The original issue has them all in correct order. I am glad I got to comment again on this historic ccm album. GOD Bless! -Don
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