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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: Georgette Beck
Comment Date: 01:49 on Jul 21 2011
Comment: My family and I were abundantly BLESSED BEYOND this past weekend at our church, Morningside church listening to John's beautiful story. God does restore, and forgive, and in His giant ways! Thank you for your truth and honesty John..My husband and I have also experienced God's restoration in our lives, a bit differently than you and your wife..but His restoration nonetheless. We faciliate Divorcecare and it is a huge joy to see how God saves and heals does not have to get to a Divorce..when hearts seek God and surrender all to Him, He can do miracles. Sadly, not all hearts are willing and remain hard or too tired to keep trying and give up too soon or are just plain rebellious and don't want to hear truth..God is there for the hearts who were abandoned..there is hope after divorce. God always desires unity with HIM. What a legacy to leave..a family intact! Will be praying for John James and his family. Powerful testimonies on the CDs, thank you Mr. and Mrs. James! God bless.
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