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Article Title: Joy Beyond Measure
Author of reported comment: Njansi ELEAZU
Comment Date: 11:13 on Jul 15 2011
Comment: Interestingly, I found this tape in my daughter,s drawer, after she had gone back to school, and I was tidying up the rooms. The unusual names of the artists and the tittle of the music,both made me curious. When I played the tape,I was instantly in love with it. I so loved all the tracks; the words; the male & female voices and the accompanying instruments. It is so inspirational that each time I play the tape( I was sensible enough to transfer the songs to a newer tape) I want to go on my knees to worship HIS MAJESTY,THE KING OF KINGS & THE LORD OF LORDS; THE GREAT I AM: THE AWESOME GOD. I pray that the two artists will release more of their music, in CDs for sale online, including 'JOY BEYOND MEASURE' which popularized them.Please contact me whenever this happens. MAY WE ALL REMAIN BLESSED IN JESUS' NAME. AMEN.
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