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Article Title: Kayla Kavanagh: The artist living with borderline personality disorder
Author of reported comment: Jenny
Comment Date: 17:56 on Jun 29 2011
Comment: Hi Carmen, I'm a friend of Kayla's and I too have BPD and ED diagnoses. I recently underwent a year-long residential DBT-based programme at a Quaker-founded institute in York. It literally saved my life. The mindfulness element is indeed based on Eastern philosophy, but the central tenets of forgiveness, acceptance, non-judgementalism etc is universally theological as I see it, and I truly can sat I experienced Christian forgiveness for everything I had been beating myself up for. I'm Catholic myself, and I havent experienced that degree of self awareness since the comfort my family drew from the church in a previous time of need. I know DBT has it's doubters, but I would certainly recommend it! Love Jen
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