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Article Title: Iona Live At Queens Hall, Edinburgh
Author of reported comment: Dougie Adam
Comment Date: 22:13 on Jun 26 2011
Comment: If only Yvonne and Iona had poked fun at Edinburgh natives having no sense of humour it would obviously have been more apt in Andrea's case. At King Tuts the following night Yvonne and Iona joked that the Edinburgh crowd were better singers than the Glasgow crowd... and we laughed. At most concerts singers will give away where their worldview lies in their between song chat. In Glasgow Joanne Hogg spoke about how one of the new songs was inspired by the book of Revelation but i don't remember her telling the crowd they had to convert to Christianity or share her point of view... she just credited where the inspiration from the song came from, something fans at a concert or buying CDs will often be curious to know. Is Andrea saying that songwriters can't be inspired by religious faith or if they are they shouldn't perform religious songs in public or mention at a concert but if Oasis want to write an ode to the joys of Cigarettes & Alcohol and swear on stage then that's less offensive than someone saying this next song was inspired by reading a bit of the Bible (in case you're interested to know). Yvonne also joked about buying chips from a kebab shop in Glasgow on the way home from the Edinburgh gig and the Glasgow crowd didn't take offense or see it as "shameful banter".
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