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Article Title: Her Greatest Inspirational Songs
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 16:51 on May 31 2011
Comment: First off, many thanks to Maxine of crossrhythms who is constantly maintaining artists lists; GOD BLESS her! I have this cd of Amy, released shortly before her first hymns project. This cd covers songs from the start of Amy's singing career to her 1985 crossover album "unguarded". Her 1982 "Sing Your Praise to the LORD" starts off the 17 songset; just luv it, always have! Hats off to the songwriter, the late Rich Mullins. Rich also wrote the follow up song "Doubly Good to You" from Amy's 1984 "Straight Ahead" lp. "El-Shaddai", "Angels", & "The Prodigal" did not make this list, but they should have! "In a Little While" is for today!of course Amy rerecorded it in 2006. The top psalm song "Thy Word" could not have been left out. The 6 minute "JEHOVAH" is awesome; I never tire of hearing it; great melody. Gary Chapman's acoustic "All I Ever Have to Be" from 1980 is a definite inspirational tune:but "Father's Eyes" did not make it. "Old Man's Rubble" was one of the first songs that I heard on ccm radio; it was quite a catchy pop tune by her friend and top ccm producer Brown Bannister; great favorite! I just luv her cover of great ccm songwriter Michael Card's "I Have Decided". CCM Vet Pam Mark Hall's "The Now & The Not Yet" closes the set of inspirational songs; I just love this song completely: it is for the here and now! This compilation is nearly 1 hour of Amy music; her pic from "Age to Age" lp hi-lights the front of this cd, while one her 1985 "unguarded" pics, is on back & inside. I do not agree that this is Amy's "Greatest Inspirational songs"; considering those omitted: It is still a nice collection. GOD Bless! -Don
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