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Article Title: Real Talk
Author of reported comment: shannon
Comment Date: 20:34 on May 17 2011
Comment: didnt get a chance to listen the las album but the first album was def inspirational. i dnt think u relize how many ppl u r really inspiring jus by preachn the gospel in each of ur songs and also tellin ur life story. alot of young ppl dnt think that "christians" orginiate from poor habitat so for you to rap about that in ur songs motivates kids to listen and go about their lives jus by a 3 min song. So appriciate ur album and pray that your album reaches out world wide. My son is 2 years old and he already loves the album, well the beat. Wish you all the best may God bless you in ever aspect of your life and b with you on ur journy!
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